Matzah, Kosher for Passover

In the spirit of really getting this done in 18 minutes or less, I recommend splitting this batch in two unless you have a couple of helpers on hand.

By / Photography By | May 29, 2018


  • 450 grams (about 3⅔ cups) kosher flour
  • 175–180 grams (about 3/4 cup) water
  • 2 tablespoons kosher olive oil
  • ¾ teaspoons kosher salt


Get your oven as hot as possible and heat up a baking stone, if you have one, on the shelf closest to the heat source (usually the bottom). (Lacking a stone, use an inverted heavy sheet tray).

Once your oven is up to at least 500°, begin mixing all of the ingredients in a large bowl, using just enough water to absorb all of the flour. Move the dough to a smooth work surface and knead it firmly until it becomes smoother. This shouldn’t take more than a couple minutes, and won’t be as silky as some other doughs. It will continue to develop as you roll out the pieces.

Form a large round with the dough and flatten it with your palms. Cut the dough into 6–8 pieces with a bench knife. Quickly roll each into a loose round, about the size of a tennis ball. Cover with a slightly damp towel.

Begin rolling: Take one ball and roll as thin as possible with a rolling pin. The dough will be very elastic, so switch to a different piece when one becomes too springy to go further. Once rolled, feel free to trim the edges to make a more perfect circle, should you be inclined to take the time. Quickly poke the entire surface with a fork (or toothpick, if you have the seconds to spare) and use a bench knife to lift the round and drape it over your open palm. Transfer to the hot baking stone in one swift slapping motion. Close the oven and bake for about 45 seconds, then flip, baking for another 45 seconds on the second side. Each side should have a smattering of golden brown blisters. The exact baking time will depend on your oven, but be prepared for it to go quickly.

Continue with the other pieces of dough until you are finished, never letting the dough sit untouched for an extended length of time.


  • 450 grams (about 3⅔ cups) kosher flour
  • 175–180 grams (about 3/4 cup) water
  • 2 tablespoons kosher olive oil
  • ¾ teaspoons kosher salt